SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter is not always saving data into the database


The SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter is not always saving data into the database, this is not the first that happens, from last night after 6 o'clock until now nothing is saved into the database. I did a manual run and no error, I can see data in the SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter but not in the database.

Yesterday before 6 o'clock everything was working, nothing as being changed in the flow sense then.

Thank for any help.

Best regards


Hello Niclas,

we could not reproduce the problem. Could you please send us a Screenshot of a DatastoreWriter eventlog part (as below) and your DatastoreWriter Settings.


It's going to be hard for you to reproduce because this is on and off thing.

Right after my last message everything was working again.

This first screenshot no data was added in the database


This second screenshots, 15 minutes later the same data was saved in the database


Maybe you can find something.

Best regards


Hello Nicolas,

rows are not added(inserted) to Datastore if the identifier already exists. Are you sure that the source data was the same in first and second screenshot? You could add a SpreadsheetCSVWriter and a EmailSend step after the SpreadsheetMapper_for_items Step to get the source data as CSV file.


I'm sure at 100% that the identifier was new. The new identifiers were in the previous step in the SpreadsheetMapper_for_items, and I also checked in the database with the new identifier from the SpreadsheetMapper_for_items and they were not there.

Between the first and second run nothing was changed.

Right now everything is working normally, I will contact you if that happen again.

Best regards,
