Amazon Header/Column Fehler

Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe eine Frage…wenn ich das txt file direkt in Amazon Hochlade bekomme ich keine Fehler,
mit meinem Flow …bekomme ich folgenden Fehler…der Header stimmt aber bzw. Spaltennamen.
Beispiel: age_range_description auch gemappt zu age_range_description

Feed Processing Summary:
Number of records processed 105
Number of records successful 104

original-record-number sku error-code error-type error-message
0 90061 Warning The age_range_description field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The brand_name field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The collection_name field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The color_map field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The color_name field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The country_of_origin field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The department_name field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The external_product_id field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The external_product_id_type field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The feed_product_type field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The footwear_age_group field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The footwear_size field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The footwear_size_class field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The footwear_size_system field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The footwear_width field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The item_name field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The item_sku field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The main_image_url field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The other_image_url1 field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The other_image_url2 field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The other_image_url3 field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The other_image_url4 field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The outer_material_type field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The parent_child field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The parent_sku field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The recommended_browse_nodes field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The relationship_type field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The standard_price field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The target_gender field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
0 90061 Warning The variation_theme field heading is invalid, so values in this field were ignored. To correct this error, download the template again and use the new copy, or fix the field heading in your existing file.
1 Verkäufer-SKU item_sku 90111 Error The quantity field contains an invalid value: Anzahl quantity. The value „Anzahl quantity“ is not a valid INTEGER.

Haben die Feldnamen in der SP Api ein anderen Namen ?

Grüße an alle …und Danke

Hallo Marcus,

kannst du uns eventuell noch etwas genauer beschreiben, wie der Flow aussieht, welche Steps du verwendest und wie du die Feed Datei erstellst.

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher wie du das meinst. Der SellerCentralSubmitFeed Step lädt auch bei der SP API (wie vorher auch bei der MWS API) „nur“ die Feed Datei hoch. An den Header Spalten wird nichts geändert.

Viele Grüße