[Suche] Partner gesucht - Automatisierung VeloConnect WooCommerce

Produkte/Bestand per VeloConnect in WooCommerce automatisieren, 3 Steps eingerichtet aber scheitern an Fehlermeldungen:


Variable	Value	Description
(PUBLIC)	veloconnectAccount	Zugangsdaten zu veloconnect
(PUBLIC)	10	Anzahl der abzurufenden Produkte. Für Testzwecke ist hier ein kleiner Wert (z.B. 10) einzutragen.
(PUBLIC)	veloconnectTest	
(PUBLIC)	2024-12-05 16:55:56	The start-time of the last SCHEDULED run not in ERROR status.
(PUBLIC)	2024-12-05 16:55:57	The start-time of the last run (regardless of trigger or status).
(PUBLIC)	2024-12-11 22:22:14	The time when the current run was planned for.
(PUBLIC)	2024-12-11 22:22:14	The current time.
(PUBLIC)	60	The current flow interval.
(PUBLIC)	0192965f-503b-77f8-9e7a-85567474de94	The internal unique ID of the current flow.
(PUBLIC)	diTjKq6aXkkjSCp3aLhJJkX1sdN	A unique identifier used for URL-Triggering of the current flow.
(PUBLIC)	veloconnect Artikel abrufen	The internal name of the current flow.
(PUBLIC)	veloconnect Artikel abrufen	The name of the current flow.
(PUBLIC)	dfd7c3df-cdb3-4963-97c3-dfcdb389636b	The customer ID to which this flow belongs.
(PUBLIC)	hiteck	The customer name to which this flow belongs.
(PUBLIC)	false	Returns true if the Debug Mode is enabled in this flow run. Otherwise returns false.
(PUBLIC)	2024-12-11 22:22:14	optional: A user-defined date which should be set as the lastRuntime of the flow, after the run. Default: null - This means lastRuntime will not be overriden and automatically set if applicable.


2024-12-11 22:22:16
Execute Flow-Step: woocommerceUpdateProductVariations.

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Step: input validation: Filtering spreadsheet with filter: row.isValid()

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Step: Mapper: Start processing of Spreadsheet: newAndUpdatedRecords_filtered

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Step: no valid rows to be proceeded: Condition does not apply. Flow will continue normally. Condition: !(output@SpreadsheetFilter_1?? && output@SpreadsheetFilter_1.hasRows())

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Step: invalidItems warning: Condition does not apply. Flow will continue normally. Condition: negativeOutput@SpreadsheetFilter_1?? && negativeOutput@SpreadsheetFilter_1.hasRows()

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Verwendetes Limit: 5

2024-12-11 22:22:16
Starte requests mit batchSize: 1

2024-12-11 22:22:19
Fehler während eines Requests 1: HTTP status: 404 (Not Found), Response Content: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist.","data":{"status":404}}

2024-12-11 22:22:20
Fehler während eines Requests 2: HTTP status: 404 (Not Found), Response Content: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist.","data":{"status":404}}

2024-12-11 22:22:21
Fehler während eines Requests 3: HTTP status: 404 (Not Found), Response Content: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist.","data":{"status":404}}

2024-12-11 22:22:21
Fehler während eines Requests 4: HTTP status: 404 (Not Found), Response Content: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist.","data":{"status":404}}

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Fehler während eines Requests 5: HTTP status: 404 (Not Found), Response Content: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"Es wurde keine Route gefunden, die mit der URL und der Request-Methode identisch ist.","data":{"status":404}}

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Fertig nach 5 requests.

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: statusCode processing: Filtering spreadsheet with filter: statusCode!?starts_with('2')

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: updatedItems: Start processing of Spreadsheet: requests_filtered

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: failedItems: Start processing of Spreadsheet: requests_filtered

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: failedItems warning: Condition does not apply. Flow will continue normally. Condition: spreadsheet@SpreadsheetMapper_8?? && spreadsheet@SpreadsheetMapper_8.hasRows()

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: Mapper: # processed rows: 0

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: updatedItems: # processed rows: 0

2024-12-11 22:22:22
Step: failedItems: # processed rows: 0

Debug/Step Outputs:

1-VeloconnectTextSearch » getInformationURLContent
general, techspec, groups
 1-VeloconnectTextSearch » resultSpreadsheet
TextSearchResult (strict:false) # Headers: 36 # Rows: 11 Header: [identifier, SellersItemID, Buye...
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » insertResultMessages
# of records affected: 10, # of updates: 10, UntouchedRecords does not seem to be consumed by oth...
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » newAndUpdatedRecords
newAndUpdatedRecords (strict:false) # Headers: 44 # Rows: 0 Header: [datastorename, folder, ident...
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » newRecords
veloconnectTest (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: unknown / lazy, Header: not known yet
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » updatedRecords
veloconnectTest (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: unknown / lazy, Header: not known yet
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » updatedRecordsWithChangedContent
veloconnectTest (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: unknown / lazy, Header: not known yet
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » untouchedRecords
veloconnectTest (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: unknown / lazy, Header: not known yet
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » errors
errors (strict:true) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsInsert
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsUpdate
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsUpdateWithChangedContent
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsInsertUpdate
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsUntouched
 2-SpreadsheetDatastoreWriter » numRecordsSkipped
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » invalidItems
newAndUpdatedRecords_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » spreadsheet@SpreadsheetMapper_9
newAndUpdatedRecords_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » updatedItems
requests_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » spreadsheet@SpreadsheetMapper_6
requests_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » failedItems
requests_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet
 9-woocommerceUpdateProductVariations » spreadsheet@SpreadsheetMapper_7
requests_filtered (strict:false) # Headers: 0 # Rows: 1 Header: not known yet

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